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date18 February, 2016 by REFORME

“Build Up your Future”, is a European mobility program for Vocational Training in Energy Restoration designed to strengthen the European cooperation and integration and contribute to the overall development of the Vocational training in the Construction Sector and the improvement of key competences of their students.

The increase of the construction sector is going to be strongly conditioned by the strategic objectives of Europe 2020, especially in energy rehabilitation of buildings that means the new professionals of construction sector will need skills adapted to “green skills”.

The partnership is composed by : Centro Edile di Vicenza Andrea Palladio (Italy), Istituto per l’Istruzione Professionale Lavoratori Edili dei della Provincia di Bologna, FORMEDIL-BARI (Italy), Scuola Ente Provinciale per la Formazione Professionale in Edilizia della Provincia di Bari (Italy).