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In 1986 organizations from several European countries, responsible for vocational training in the building sector, established a common network in a spirit of collaboration and voluntary cooperation. Since its foundation, the partners of REFORME have shared their interests and experiences in order to develop and spread best practices to be implemented at national level and transferred to a wider European context.

This specialized building sector network aims at promoting knowledge and experience that can be used in the social dialogue and are available to both national and European stakeholders.

Over the years, the REFORME Network promoted international vocational workshops and mobility of VET learners, as well as projects helping to define professional competences, develop teaching methods and new training programs.

Since its creation, REFORME has facilitated the mobility of over 2,300 young people and trainers thanks to EU programs and initiatives and co-financing by the partners. These actions were carried out mainly in the framework of Leonardo Da Vinci program.

The Network developed various tools such as the ABC of Construction (LdV 1999) or the Illustrated Multilingual Dictionary of Construction (LdV 1996).

Moreover the network has carried out various European projects to improve vocational training in the construction sector:

COM.BAT (LdV 1997), which focused on of skills certification.

SOURCE (LdV 1998), aimed at workers in the area of restoration of the architectural heritage.

COPILOTE (LdV 2006), aimed at defining accompanying strategies for company tutors.

Q-CASE (LdV 2006) to ensure the quality of training carried out in the vocational workshops.

TRASFOBUILDING (LdV 2007), with which the evaluation of formal and informal learning is being trialled;

Logo RE.FORM.E.-historyRéseau RE.FORM.E (LdV 2000) and Enhancement of the Copenhagen Process in the RE.FORM.E. Network (LdV 2006, or RE.FORM.E. Network (FSE 2009) which have made it possible to continue the exchange of good practices and carry out dissemination and diffusion of European principles in the field of vocational training.