The partners met in Madrid on 24 and 25 February 2016 at the headquarters of the FLC in Madrid.
ConstructyVET meeting opened with a brief presentation of the host partner, Fundación Laboral de la Construccion (FLC). The FLC is a Spanish non-profit organization managed by the social partners, in charge of training in the construction sector in Spain. The Fundacion operates in three main areas: VET (vocational education and training), OSH (occupational safety and health) and employment. FLC has a regional structure with 17 regional councils working under the coordination of the Directorate General based in Madrid.
Next on the agenda distributed before the meeting, the partners agree the content of the 2nd transnational meeting ConstructyVET:
- evaluation of the work in progress and adjustments, if any;
- detection of potential problems and common thinking on how to resolve them;
- nature and quality of final products;
- monitoring of the communication strategy and valuation;
- financial aspects.