The study had two main aims:
1. To overview the implementation of stakeholder commitments (pledges) in the area of construction sector apprenticeships.
2. To provide insight into construction sector apprenticeships and compile an inventory of challenges and solutions to implement construction apprenticeships.
The study focuses on pledges submitted by construction sector stakeholders in the area of apprenticeships in the initial vocational education and training (VET) with a particular focus on young people and SMEs. The study focuses on a ‘narrow’ understanding of the construction sector without considering the real estate, architectural and engineering or construction-related manufacturing sectors. The study follows the same definition of apprenticeships used in the Commission’s proposal for a Council Recommendation on a European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships:
‘Apprenticeships are formal vocational education and training schemes that combine substantial work-based learning in companies and other workplaces with learning based in education or training institutions, and that lead to nationally recognised qualifications. There should be a contractual relationship between the apprentice, the employer and/or the vocational education and training institution, and the apprentice should be paid and/or compensated for her/his work’.
This study identified and analysed the most important challenges as well as matched the identified challenges with their possible solutions.
The identified challenges include:
1. Attracting and motivating apprentices
2. Getting employer buy-in
3. Expanding vocational guidance
4. Making training more flexible and innovative
5. Professionalising VET teachers and in-company trainers
6. Integrating a multidisciplinary and holistic approach in training
7. Providing skills in energy efficient building construction
8. Securing sufficient resources for apprenticeships
9. Fostering mobility of apprentices, teachers and trainers
10. Ensuring occupational health and safety during and outside training
11. Integrating migrants into the labour market
12. Initiating structural reforms of apprenticeship systems