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SoMExNet – Network enhancing the SoMEx app is a project proposing to implement an extensive process supporting an existent tool: the SoMEx app. The SoMEx app was developed bring a previous Erasmus+ project (2014-1-BE01-KA202-000875). This Android application provides the people taking part in mobility exchanges with all the necessary information (general info, travel, schedules, culture, language, contacts, evaluation, certification, etc.). The app helped the SoMEx partners (VET training centers and a national association) to increase the number of mobility exchanges in the building sector

The specific objective of SoMExNet is to enlarge the number of institutions using the app and, by that means, the number of mobility exchanges in Europe. By sensitizing trainees to the mobility process, we aim to reach the global objective of increasing the mobility of young workers in the building sector on the European labor market.
The core partners will develop an extensive process and toolkit, to make the app available to any institution in the building sector interested in it. To achieve this, we will:

  • transfer the Android app (new technical partner)
  • make the app available on IOS too
  • insure the largest dissemination possible for the app through a users’ network linked by a users’ adhesion charter
  • develop tools (collaborative platform, users’ kit, pedagogical kit and pedagogical process) that will accompany the app and help the associated partners to use it for their mobility projects in an autonomous way
  • further improve the quality of the app through « on-the-field tests », feedback and modification
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