The partners of the Construction Blueprint project met for the 6th transnational meeting in a hybrid way, some of them attending in Berlin (Germany) and others remotely, on October 13th, 2021.
The co-pilots of the 4th phase of the project (WP4), Centre IFAPME Liège-Huy-Verviers (Belgium) and CCCA-BTP (France), attented to the meeting jointly in Paris (France), to be able in parallel to work on the datavisualisation of the results collected through the questionnaire addressed to construction companies, in order to identify their skills needs in digitalisation, energy efficiency and circular economy.
The WP4 co-pilots received the congratulations of Roman Horvath, a representative from DG Growth (European Commission), for the relevance and quality of the answers collected through the questionnaire.
The next transnational meeting will be held in April 2022 by the French partners, FFB and CCCA-BTP.
Stay tuned!