On February 1st, 2022, Myriam Diallo, Danielle Taillefer as well as Bérengère Augris hosted the members of the French National Advisory Group of the Construction Blueprint project in FFB‘s headquarters. They animated the meeting along with representatives of the other French partner involved in the project, Marion Beauchesne and Marek Lawinski from CCCA-BTP.
Also from CCCA-BTP, Jacques-Olivier Hénon, head of the Directorate of Training and Pedagogical Innovation, as well as Franck Le Nuellec, head of the Directorate of Mareketing, Development and Strategic Innovation, attended the meeting. Martine Lecoeur, researcher, participated online, as the data analyst who provided support for the design of the questionnaire addressed to European construction companies.
Laurence Herbeaux, Head of CERC‘s GIE, Brigitte Preung, from the French Ministry of Labour, as well as Nathalie Champion, from the French Ministry of Education, attented online. Were physically present: Philippe Estingoy (Head of Agence Qualité Construction), Adriana Miri (Head of BTP Services), Benoît Senior (General Secretary of ADN Construction) and Philippe Dresto (Les Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France).
They discussed the feedbacks provided by the members last year about the PESTLE Analysis, the Status Quo, the Roadmap and Action Plan, the interactive map of good practices and the SSA portal.
Then, they exchanged about the results of the questionnaire addressed to European construction companies about their skills needs, and CCCA-BTP representatives described the next steps they aim to take for the 2nd edition of the questionnaire, which will focus on transversal skills applied to the construction sector. You may find the first questionnaire results by country in this article, as well as the transnational consolidation of the data below.
Finally, they talked about the design of online trainings focused on digitalisation, energy efficiency and circular economy, and some of the members offered to provide training materials for the French part of the platform.
Next transnational meeting will take place in Paris on May 23rd and 24th, 2022 and the French endorsement event will be held on September 2022!
Do not hesitate to join the LinkedIn group of the project for more news about the Construction Blueprint project!