A team from CCCA-BTP met trainers and pedagogical experts from several French VET centres at BTP CFA Aix-Les-Milles on October 26th, 2022, in order to hear their feedbacks about the Energy Efficiency modules designed in the framework of the Construction Blueprint project (available on the MOOC platform).
They tested modules 3 (Energy and Buildings), 7 (Ventilation), 11 (Energy Renovation) and 12 (Lighting and Small Power) between April and October 2022 with several apprentices audiences mainly in EQF levels 4 and 5 which represents, all construction trades considered, around 150 apprentices.
Indeed, they quickly decided these modules were not adapted for EQF 3 audiences, without completely reorganising / cutting / rephrasing all the contents, which represents a lot of work for trainers. For EQF 4 audiences, the appropriation of modules contents needed a lot of explanation from trainers and discussion between them and apprentices. For EQF 5 audiences, the contents were totally understandable and usable as basis to build a pedagogical sequence.
Trainers involved hilighted that the contents sometimes lacked contextualisation and case studies to implement concretly the notions displayed. Also, they spent way more time for each module to be teached than indicated in the Energy Efficiency curricula, in order to be sure the notions were understood and contextualised for the apprentices.
They admitted the usefulness of such contents as documentary ressources for trainers and wish for them to be updated on the Aptyce platform, so that they can be cut into short pedagogical capsules to which apprentices could easily access.
Trainers indicated that they did not really used the quizz to assess each module as they appeared for them to be really short and light compared to the density of the contents of each module.
They wish to pursue the experimentation with other Energy Efficiency modules as well as with Circular Economy modules which were just totally translated into French and will soon be integrated to the MOOC platform, and CCCA-BTP BIM/digitalisation expert, Pascal Miché, wishes to organise a working group on Digitalisation modules once finalised. BTP CFA Grand Est finds this testing phase to be a great opportunity to organise mobility actions with VET providers of the Construction Blueprint partnership.
A report adressed to the project partners in charge of the modules design will be drafted in order to communicate the results of the French testing phase to the partnership, and feedbacks will progressively be added about the continuation of the experimentation.