If one word should be reminded regarding the first day of this final event, it’s sustainability. It was indeed the main preoccupation of all the project partners approaching the end of the Construction Blueprint project, as a lot of work and efforts were put by all of them in order to achieve all the ambitious objectives presented initially in the application.
The sustainability issue was particularly tackled for WP3 and WP4, as it must be determined which structures will be in charge to update the map of good practices, the Moodle platform, the Observatory website and to keep launching the questionnaires aiming at identifying construction companies’ skills needs in the future.
WP4 leaders, CCCA-BTP and Centre IFAPME Liège-Huy-Verviers, proposed to the partners a complete methodology for the Observatory to keep running after the end of the project, about how continuing to feed it and keep it updated. Partners will have to answer a questionnaire about this approach feasibility for the beginning of March 2023.
Several outputs are still pending before the end of March 2023, and all the partners collectively commit to deliver the finiest final deliverables possible.
Regarding the second day, several national experts were invited to discuss topics as youth, mobility and gender inclusion during dedicated panels in order to inaugurate the first edition of Erasmus+ Open Doors Day.