Construction Blueprint
The Construction Blueprint project is a Skills Sectoral Alliance for Skills, piloted by Spanish FLC for 4 years (January 2019-December 2022), with a budget of 4 millions € for 24 partners from 12 European countries: Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Ireland, Greece, Poland, Finland, Slovenia and Lithuania.
The project aims to identify construction companies’ skills needs related to energy efficiency, circular economy and digitalisation, in order to allow construction VET Center to adapt their training offers to the market effective skills needs and to create training contents addressing these skills needs.
French CCCA-BTP and Belgian Centre IFAPME Liège-Huy-Verviers co-pilot the 4th phase of the project (WP4) which aims at designing a European Observatory of Construction Companies’ Skills Needs and launched the first edition of the skills identification questionnaire, which results will be available on the Construction Blueprint website by the end of 2021.
Learn more about the concrete interest and relevance of the Construction Blueprint project here!