Middle Management Skills in the Building Sector: adjustment of the vocational education and training offer to the evolution of company needs
The ConstructyVET project is aimed at devising a transnational action plan for the development of middle management skills on building sites. The partners want to narrow the gap between the expectations of companies with regard to knowledge, skills and competences on the one hand and the qualifications of the workforce immediately after training on the other. Indeed, on completion of current training of future foremen and site managers, companies generally only make these posts available to employees with 3 to 7 years of professional experience, although their needs are rather more immediate. This pattern is reflected in most of the partner countries.
Based on a pragmatic and transnational analysis of the competency requirements (particularly cross-functional skills) for foremen and site managers prioritized by the companies in the partner countries, the project’s objectives are:
- Joint adaptation of a representative sample of training courses to meet the expectations expressed by the companies and the creation of a support mechanism for trainees in personalized training to promote earlier employability, including in a transnational dimension,
- Joint identification and refinement of teaching methods and tools suited to the adjusted career paths, with the emphasis on modularization of courses, personalized training and trainee support,
- Proposal of a transnational model for the validation, recognition and transparency of the learning outcomes of the adjusted training programmes.
The partnership is composed by: CCCA-BTP (France), FORMEDIL (Italie), CENFIC (Portugal), FLC (Espagne), FLC ASTURIAS (Espagne), IFAPME (Belgique), Warrington Collegiate (UK), BZB (Germany), INSTYTUT BADAN EDUKACYJNYCH (Poland).